
"In your joy you are celebrating God. You are celebrating the feast of life. This is not something to be denigrated … The delights of the physical world are the delights of the spirit world. It is all one. Your human joy will not take you away from your love for God. … If you cannot tolerate human bliss, how will you withstand the bliss of eternal Oneness?"


Whoever said "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" might well have been thinking of the average person's knowledge of sexual matters. The information in the books shown below will greatly lessen the danger and increase your chances of enjoying your sexuality, unencumbered by guilt and societal restrictions.
 Personal Freedoms
coverXXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography coverAmerica's War on Sex
coverThe Naked Truth about Sex coverThe Government v. Erotica
Sexual Play
coverThe New Sensual Massage coverGuide to Getting It On
coverNaughty Games for Lovers coverHow to Give Her Absolute Pleasure
coverSex: An Intimate Companion coverThe Century of Sex
coverSexy Origins and Intimate Things coverA Mind of Its Own: A Cultural History of the Penis
Sharing Among Couples

Monogamy comes natural to many animals — man is not one of those. God does not care with whom or with how many you enjoy physical intimacy. As long as the principles of integrity, kindness, and tolerance are adhered to, your conscience should not interfere with your pleasure.

The proviso is especially relevant to people who have made a long-term committment to a sexual partner. Exploring alternative forms of sexual relations can be both thrilling and fulfilling, only  when done with openess, integrity, and respectful tolerance. For example, having a secret affair is not sinful because of the sexual acrobatics performed, but because of the dishonesty.

Open Marriage

Considering Swinging

Together Sex

8 Things re Polyamory

The Ethical Slut


The Lifestyle


Recreational Sex

21st Century


Thy Neighbor's Wife

Influential Fiction
Stranger in a
Strange Land

The Harrad



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Momentpoint Media.